Rispondi a: Miragliano’s Cup – Milano War Games – 26 Novembre

Home Forum Tornei Miragliano’s Cup – Milano War Games – 26 Novembre Rispondi a: Miragliano’s Cup – Milano War Games – 26 Novembre


Regolamento V1.1

Team Building

Coaches have 1,150,000 GC to build their roster.

Star players are NOT allowed

Inducements are NOT allowed with the following exception:  Halfling Master Chef (for Halfling team only) and 0-3 Bribes (for the Goblin team).

Tiering and Skills

Teams will receive skills for allocation based on the following tiers:

Tier 1 – 6 Primary skills
Amazons, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Undead, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Skaven, Norse, Chaos Dwarves.

Tier 2 – 6 Primary skills, 1 Secondary
Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Black Orcs, Elven Union, High Elves, Humans, Imperial Nobles, Khorne, Necromantic, Old World Alliance, Orcs, Slann, Tomb Kings, Underworld

Tier 3 – 6 Primary skills, 2 Secondary
Halfling, Goblins, Nurgle, Ogres, Snotling, Vampires

Any team will have to assign the skills as follows: 2 skills before each round begins. All the teams that can assign more than 6 skill will have to attribute excess ones before the first match.

Teams allowed to assign secondary skill can always assign a primary instead of the secondary.

No player may be given more than one skill.

Special Rule: “oh mia bela Madunina”  – pray to the Holy Virgin protectress of the city

Before that every match start each player must roll a D6:

–        On a result of  5 or 6 gain a prayer to nuffle as the same is described in the kick off table

–        On a result of  1, 2, 3 or 4 nothing happens




Runner up
Best Stunty (Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings)
Most TD

Most Cas


5 points for a win
2 points for a draw
0 points for a loss


In the event of a tie the tiebreakers will be in the following order:

Net TD x 3 and CAS x2
Total TD
Total CAS

Opponent score

Dettagli del Torneo

Apertura registrazioni 9:30
Primo match 10:15 – 12:30
Pausa pranzo fino alle 13:15
Secondo match 13:15 fino alle 15:30
Terzo match 15:45 fino alle 18:00
Premiazione 18:30


Milano Wargames – https://parcoesposizioninovegro.it/fiere/milano-wargames-12-edizione/
Parco Esposizioni Segrate S.r.l.
Via Novegro SNC – 20054 Segrate (MI)


Interno alla fiera

Pausa Pranzo

All’interno della fiera sarà possibile effettuare il pranzo


Verrà fornito durante l’iscrizione.

Costo iscrizione 12 euro incluso biglietto fiera